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Ralph François
Staffing & Recruiting
Web Application
Project date
November, 2022
Ralph François - Product Manager
Nancy- Head of Design
Kalu - Frontend Developer
Anselme - Backend Developer
At Reelcruit more is being done, Reelcruit provides a platform that matches employees to the job of their dreams with the help of AI.

Project Scope

Design and prototype of the Website and the onboarding screens for both desktop and mobile view.
Design and prototype of the candidate dashboard for both permanent and contractual candidates(desktop and mobile view).
Design and prototype of the employer dashboard and onboarding screens (desktop view only).
Design and prototype of the Reelcruit admin dashboard and Reelcruiters admin dashboard (desktop view only).

Website and Onboarding

This section consists of the landing pages for both the candidate and the employer as well as other pages on the website. We also have the onboarding screens as well, for this display i won't be revealing the onboarding screens, you can see this on the live site.

Candidate Dashboard

This is the candidate dashboard consisting both the permanent and contractual dashboard for both desktop and mobile view.

Employer Dashboard

The employer dashboard consists of the onboarding, the analytics, the jobs screen, interview, matches, offers and documents screens.

Reelcruit and Reelcruiter Admin

This section consists of the reelcruit and reelcruiter admin dashboards.

Lagos, Nigeria

+234 701 235 0133

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