Olanrewaju Oredipe

Welcome to my product design portfolio! I'm Olanrewaju Oredipe, a passionate and innovative product designer dedicated to creating impactful solutions that seamlessly blend form and function. With 3 years of experience in the industry, I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects across various sectors, from consumer electronics to medical applications.
My design philosophy revolves around human-centered principles, where empathy and understanding of user needs are at the forefront of every project. I believe in crafting experiences that not only delight users but also enhance their lives in meaningful ways.

How I do it

Discovery and Research
I identify user needs, pain points, and market trends as well as conduct user interviews, surveys, and observations to gather insights and analyse competitor products and industry benchmarks.
Concept Generation
I brainstorm and generate multiple ideas and concepts. I also explore different approaches to solving the problem identified in the research phase using sketches, mind mapping, or other ideation techniques to visualise concepts.
Evaluation of Concept
I assess the feasibility and viability of each concept by considering factors such as technical constraints, manufacturing processes, and cost.I prioritise concepts based on their potential to meet user needs and business goals.
I create low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes (e.g., paper prototypes, wireframes) to quickly test and iterate on concepts.
User Testing and Iteration
I gather and analyse user feedback from target users through usability testing and user feedback sessions and iterate on the design through multiple rounds of prototyping and testing as needed to address issues and improve user experience.
Design Refinement
I refine the design based on user feedback, technical considerations, and aesthetic preferences by fine-tuning details such as materials, colours, and finishes to enhance the product's appeal and usability.
Finalisation and Documentation
I prepare final design files and documentation for production.


Figma & Figjam, UI/UX, Prototyping, Photoshopping, Illustrator, Miro, Webflow, HTML5, CSS3, User Research, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point.


Figma & Figjam, UI/UX, Prototyping, Photoshopping, Illustrator, Miro, Webflow, HTML5, CSS3, User Research, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point.

Books i enjoyed reading

Here are some books i really enjoyed reading, these books really changed my way of solving problems.
Homo Deus
Yuval Noah Harari
Hooked: How to Build...
Nir Eyal
The Deals that Made the...
Jacques Peretti
Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
Mary Shelley
Men Are from Mars, Wom...
John Gray

Lagos, Nigeria

+234 701 235 0133


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