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Web & Mobile Application
Project date
November, 2021
Chidinma - Product Manager
Ben - Backend Developer
Tayo Akosile - Frontend Developer
Getting care from a licensed medical practitioner is a big step, with iWello, you can find trusted medical personnel close to your location as fast as lighting for less than a dollar! No more high medical bills and travelling distances to get the perfect service.

Project Scope

Design and prototype of the landing page and the onboarding screens - (Desktop and Mobile Responsive Screens).
Design and prototype of the web application (Desktop and Mobile Responsive Screens).
Design and prototype of the mobile app.

Landing Page and Onboarding

This section consists of the landing page and the onboarding screens.

Patients Dashboard

The patient’s dashboard offers features like buying drugs, speaking with a doctor(consultation), treatment plan & history, fake drug checker and support.

Doctors Dashboard

The doctor’s dashboard helps doctors keep track of consultations, messages, history of patients record, wallet and iWello also offers support.

Pharmacist Dashboard

The pharmacist dashboard helps pharmacist keep track of orders, uploads, stores, wallet and iWello also offers support.

Mobile App

The mobile app design comprises of all patients, doctors and pharmacists screens. This also include onboarding.

Lagos, Nigeria

+234 701 235 0133


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